Blau's Blog

Personal website / blog covering furry, gaming, Second Life, computers, etc


I write things you can read! If you want to!

Furcodes and Furcode 2.0

Categories: [From Cohost], [Furry]

Back in mid 2023, I made some posts on Cohost about Furcodes - coded strings of info that folks can decode to get info about you, your relationship to furry, your interests, and so on. I remember encountering these way back, I believe on FurAffinity, back in... the late 00s, early 10s? Not very long...

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Happy winter! I am now a pumpkin.

Categories: [Medical]

This post talks about medical issues.

I have two close-to-done blog posts. I've got a bunch of things on this site that I'd like to tweak or fix (the off-site embeds have been particularly naughty). I've got a whole nother website that's about 50% done that I'd like to work on so it can go liv...

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Blau's Mouse Adventures

Categories: [Computers], [I Broke It (Then Fixed It)]

I realized yesterday - given my current mouse is giving me fits - that I should bring over the companion from my keyboard adventures: my mouse adventures. Most all of this is copied over from Cohost and Mastodon.

Almost a year ago, the scroll wheel on my mouse - an old version of the Corsair M65...

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KZK Kritter Kobold, now available for VRC!

Categories: [Kinzart Kreetures]

Poster for the KZK Kritter Kobold showing 3 canine style kobolds standing together, one black, one yellow, one white, against a purple space background
Hmm, this 3 Wolf Moon looks different than I remember

Like it says on the tin! The KZK Kritter Kobold is now available for VRChat (or Resonite, or anything else you can stick a VRC avatar into)! You can pick it up on Gumroad and Itch. Public demos are linked in the store pages, and are also av...

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Blau's Keyboard Adventures

Categories: [Computers], [Blau's Adventures]

Back in 2018, my ex gave me a hand-me-down keyboard, his old Coolermaster Quickfire Rapid from about 2012. He'd just replaced it with a newer keyboard for his daily driver, and I don't think he vibed with my keyboard being some old cheap thing with a snapped spacebar (from a failed cleaning attempt,...

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Welcome to Blau's Blog 3.0

Categories: [Site Updates]

So soon after Blau's Blog 2.0? Yeah.

See, the thing about websites, or anything really, is that it's only useful if you actually use it. If it's not pleasant to use, you're not going to use it. That's kind of what I fell into with the Jekyll blog.

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So what's Blau doing? 10/22

Categories: [Blau Chatter], [Kinzart Kreetures]

This post has been copied over from my old blog.

I have a bad habit (sort of? more of a brain thing) where I completely forget what I've done over the past week or so. It all just kinda blends together. But! I have been up to stuff, and figured I'd round everything up into one post.

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Blau's Skyrim Mod List: April 2024

Categories: [Video Games], [Skyrim]

This post was migrated from Cohost. It was originally posted April 13, 2024. It has been copied as-is; I have not checked to confirm if the mods listed below are still listed.

Watching a friend play with some new mods that made the game look like an entirely different thing made me want to play again. Making a mod list last time ended up being super helpful for me because I had to purge all of my mods and fresh install Skyrim this time, so now that my mods are mostly settled, I wanted to make another list.

Current save is Anxul-Xei, an Argonian mage, focusing on the magic schools, Speech, Alchemy, and Enchanting. Playing primarily in third person, which is very new for me in Skyrim. Sorted by Nexus / Vortex category (mostly). Mods common to my old mod list have just been copy-pasted over to save time.

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Blau's Skyrim Mod List: June 2023

Categories: [From Cohost], [Video Games], [Skyrim]

This post was migrated from Cohost. It was originally posted June 19, 2023. It has been copied as-is; I have not checked to confirm if the mods listed below are still listed.

Mostly just making this so I can share with my friends, but these are the mods I'm using on my current save. Maybe you'll find something new!

My current save character is Harrava - a Khajiit mage. Her skills focus on Illusion, Restoration, Conjuration, Enchanting, Alchemy, Archery, and Sneak. (If you want to know more about Harrava, I have a tag for her; I plan on writing more about her on my main account)1

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Fixing Issues With Skyrim Mods - (or, I broke horses, then fixed them)

Categories: [I Broke It (Then Fixed It)], [Video Games], [Skyrim]

This post was migrated from Cohost. It was originally posted June 19, 2023.

Well, specifically, some issues that I've run into with my latest save.

I was intending this to be a more broad overview of some cool tools I found while fixing something, but it's a bit hard to talk about them without talking about why I needed them. They aren't exclusive to the problem I was having so I hope these are able to help you!

I want to emphasize: It's generally a really bad idea to uninstall mods mid-playthrough. But, sometimes you run into issues, and you gotta.

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Links and Buttons are here!

Categories: [Computers], [Site Updates], [How I Did It]

This post is migrated from my old blog. It's not super relevant to this one, as this blog runs on Grav instead of Jekyll; I copied it over here for completeness. I'll put a new post up with how I accomplish this in Grav.

A little late, but I did finally get the Links and Buttons page up and running! And, as promised, I'll explain how I did it.

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Changing your VRChat Photos Destination

Categories: [VRChat]

This post has been copied over from my old blog.

VRChat screenshot of a green alien slugcat standing in front of a finished jigsaw puzzle of Centralia's graffiti highway
I found a jigsaw puzzle world and they had a Centralia puzzle, so I did my duty as a Pennsylvanian

By default, VRChat saves your photos to the Pictures folder in Windows. I really didn't want it to do that, because I don't trust Windows not to get silly and trash itself again, but there isn't a place in the in-game options to set a path for screenshots. Thankfully, you can do this with a config file, but you have to make and specify the configs yourself.

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Warframe: Shrine Defense is pretty neat

Categories: [Video Games], [Warframe]

This post has been copied over from my old blog.

A couple of days ago, Warframe released their Koumei and the Five Fates update. With it, of course, is Koumei, the new mission type to farm for her and her weapons (Shrine Defense), and a lot of new features (Companion rework part 2!) and bug fixes (seriously, check out the patch notes for the initial update and the two currently live hotfixes, 37.0.1 and 37.0.2).

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Got an 88x31 button ready!

Categories: [Site Updates]

This post has been copied over from my old blog.

Just in time for Cohost's shutdown, I threw together a very quick and simple 88x31 button!

I'll eventually make a fancier one, or one with art in the background, or something. But for now, here you go! Feel free to use this on your button lin...

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What's up? Patch notes and chatter

Categories: [Site Updates], [Blau Chatter]

This post is migrated from my old blog. It's not super relevant to this one, as this blog runs on Grav instead of Jekyll; I copied it over here for completeness.

The way that this blog setup is ... well, set up, feels like it lends itself more to Effortposting rather than regular small casual updates. It doesn't need to be that, but that's what my brain feels like it needs to be. It's probably because everything needs to have a title, and there are a lot of things that I'd like to post that don't really need a title. I'm trying to figure out how I can convince my brain that posting chatter and whatnot is OK here, so I'm trying this out: a dedicated category for these kinds of posts.

Back on Cohost I'd probably tag these as "blau chatter". So, I'm going to make that a category here. (While writing, I had the category named "What's up?"; I do still kind of like that category, and might swap to that at some point. We'll see.)

Anyway! I made some adjustments to the site and wanted to give a little "what am I up to" update.

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Oops, I broke Ruby

Categories: [Computers], [I Broke It (Then Fixed It)]

This post has been copied over from my old blog.

Right now, all I use Ruby for is to run Jekyll (and Bundler). I don't really have any other uses for it, though learning how to use Ruby is on my long-term to-do list, even if just enough to be able to read it.

I found out recently (though a G...

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Blau's Dual Boot Adventures

Categories: [Computers], [From Cohost], [Blau's Adventures]

This post has been copied over from my old blog.

I originally live-posted this on Cohost, then summarized it on an old Mastodon account. I figured this was a good place to retell, as I call it, The Fucking Saga.

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Why I'm a little weird about self-hosting

Categories: [Computers]

This post has been copied over from my old blog. It's also very funny because this new blog is currently "self hosted".

I've either seen or been directly recommended to self-host things quite a lot - most firmly in my memory is recently when I was asking about Github alternatives, and almost every reply was self-hosting a Git service. Which, while useful, is not exactly the kind of alternative I was looking for (one that someone else hosts, and not me).

From the title, you can probably guess that I am a little, ah, weird about self-hosting. This isn't for any kind of like... ideological reason, but more as a result of Life Experiences™ that I've gone through, and my current life situation, that make it a little infeasible for me to self-host things.

Again, for clarity, I would like to! I would like to learn how to do this and there are a few applications I can think of specifically that I could make good use of right now (e.g. building a Plex collection for my mom). But I'm just not in a position to do so, and it's hard to explain why in a short-form format, so here's a blog post about it.

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Welcome to Blau's Blog 2.0!

Categories: [Site Updates]

This post is migrated from my old blog. It's not super relevant to this one, as this blog runs on Grav instead of Jekyll; I copied it over here for completeness.

I feel like I've been talking about updating this for forever, and it uh. I think I generated this new Jekyll folder in late May, so it kind of has been! I've been chipping away at it, alongside writing, scrapping, then re-writing the new Kinzart website1 for the better half of the year, but Cohost announcing that it's shutting down at the end of 20242 kind of pushed me into gear to finish updating this so that I have somewhere better to put my long-form posts and guides rather than trying to break them up and put them on Mastodon. Plus, they're public here. My primary page on Cohost is only visible to logged-in users3, which is comfortable, but not very helpful if you want to actually share what you're writing.

Right! So what exactly changed? Aside from, you know, all of it.

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