Blau's Blog

Personal website / blog covering furry, gaming, Second Life, computers, etc

KZK Kritter Kobold, now available for VRC!

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Categories: [Kinzart Kreetures]

Poster for the KZK Kritter Kobold showing 3 canine style kobolds standing together, one black, one yellow, one white, against a purple space background
Hmm, this 3 Wolf Moon looks different than I remember

Like it says on the tin! The KZK Kritter Kobold is now available for VRChat (or Resonite, or anything else you can stick a VRC avatar into)! You can pick it up on Gumroad and Itch. Public demos are linked in the store pages, and are also available in the KZK mainstore world.

Umbra's been kicking so much ass on this - he went from having almost 0 knowledge about VRC avatar creation, to having ported this little guy and built his own world in just over a month. I'm so proud aslkfdjslakf

This is KZK's first VRC avatar, so there are growing pains, and there are several features that we're going to be adding in once Umbra has a chance to rest and recover (he is pretty burnt out). There's a link to the KZK Discord in Umbra's Carrd, linked in the store pages - if you run into any major issues, you can contact us there, Umbra on VRChat, or myself on Mastodon.

We're super stoked to have this little guy running around in another virtual world! If you take any cool screenshots or make some rad customizations, we'd love to see them!

(Unrelated: I'm aware that there is a strange issue with the RSS feeds and the plugin I use to handle SEO embeds where it likes to stick an extra image at the top. I'm fiddling with it, but for now you might just have double the kobold lol)