Blau's Blog

Personal website / blog covering furry, gaming, Second Life, computers, etc


My Links

You can find me on these sites:

There's also my Furrcard and Carrd, I try to keep those both up to date as alternate links, just in case.

My Buttons

If you want to link back here, here's a super quick button I put together, in PNG and GIF formats, and some sample code to put it on your own site:

An 88x31 PNG button of the words 'Blau's Blog' on an agender pride flag background.
An 88x31 static GIF button of the words 'Blau's Blog' on an agender pride flag background.
Static .GIF
<a href="">
  <img src="YOUR_IMAGE_PATH_HERE" 
  width="88" height="31" 
  alt="An 88x31 button of the words 'Blau's Blog' on an agender pride flag background" 
  style="image-rendering: pixelated">

Cool sites, check them out!

(I'm working on getting this section set up in Grav. In the meantime, there is a button wall on my old site)