Blau's Blog

Personal website / blog covering furry, gaming, Second Life, computers, etc


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Changing your VRChat Photos Destination

Categories: [VRChat]

This post has been copied over from my old blog.

VRChat screenshot of a green alien slugcat standing in front of a finished jigsaw puzzle of Centralia's graffiti highway
I found a jigsaw puzzle world and they had a Centralia puzzle, so I did my duty as a Pennsylvanian

By default, VRChat saves your photos to the Pictures folder in Windows. I really didn't want it to do that, because I don't trust Windows not to get silly and trash itself again, but there isn't a place in the in-game options to set a path for screenshots. Thankfully, you can do this with a config file, but you have to make and specify the configs yourself.

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