Blau's Blog

Personal website / blog covering furry, gaming, Second Life, computers, etc

Got an 88x31 button ready!

Date: []
Categories: [Site Updates]
Tags: [buttons], [88x31]

This post has been copied over from my old blog.

Just in time for Cohost's shutdown, I threw together a very quick and simple 88x31 button!

I'll eventually make a fancier one, or one with art in the background, or something. But for now, here you go! Feel free to use this on your button link pages and whatnot. (I'll be putting together a proper link page as well soon!)

Two options, a .png and a .gif, neither are animated, they're both pretty tiny in filesize, up to you which one you grab.

An 88x31 PNG button of the words 'Blau's Blog' on an agender pride flag background.
An 88x31 static GIF button of the words 'Blau's Blog' on an agender pride flag background.
Static .GIF

And here's some sample code you can use to put it on your site and link back here:

<a href="">
  <img src="YOUR_IMAGE_PATH_HERE" 
  width="88" height="31" 
  alt="An 88x31 button of the words 'Blau's Blog' on an agender pride flag background" 
  style="image-rendering: pixelated">