Blau's Blog

Personal website / blog covering furry, gaming, Second Life, computers, etc

Retired [EC] Chibi Noodle Mods

A pack of retired texture mods for the Nutbusterz Chibi Noodle. Marketplace link

Instruction Notecard: Spicy Salamander

Eldritch Cat\ \==============

OBLIGATORY BUT HEARTFELT THANKS :\     Thank you for your purchase! I hope you enjoy it!

REQUIREMENTS :\     This modkit requires the following avatar:\     :: NUTBUSTERZ CHIBI NOODLE ::\     It will not work with other avatars.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE :\     :: Always make a backup before applying a mod ::\     WEAR or ADD the applier you wish to use.\     (No Ears removes the ear shadow dot from the skull. There is still a dent in the materials, but that's not something I can currently fix.)\     Click the applier on your HUD and click \ on the menu.\     Wait a few moments for the textures to load.

SPECIAL NOTE: EYES\     ::Requires basic modding skills.::\     ::Done this way due to asymmetrical eyeshine.::\     Rez out your eyes (Drag them to the ground).\     In Edit, go to Select Texture, and click the eye that will be on the RIGHT side of your noodle.\     Drag the RIGHT EYE texture onto the selected eye.\     Repeat for the left eye.\     Take your eyes back & wear them.

SPECIAL NOTE: FUR\     ::For if you only want the tail tip to have fur.::\     ::Requires basic modding skills.::\     Rez out your fur (drag it to the ground).\     In Edit, go to Select Texture, and select every chunk of fur except for the tail tip. There will be several.\     Set all of these chunks to 100% Transparency.\     Take your fur back & wear it.

IF SOMETHING BREAKS AND/OR CATCHES FIRE :\     Contact Blau Rascon for issues specific to this modkit.\     Contact the avatar's creator for all other issues.

Instruction Notecard: My Little Noodle

Eldritch Cat\ \==============

OBLIGATORY BUT HEARTFELT THANKS :\     Thank you for your purchase! I hope you enjoy it!

CREDITS :\     Cutie Marks are from this resource:

REQUIREMENTS :\     This modkit requires the following avatar:\     :: NUTBUSTERZ CHIBI NOODLE ::\     It will not work with other avatars.

    This modkit works well with the following extras:\     :: [EC] SPICY NOODLE EYES / SLITTED SPICY NOODLE EYES ::\     :: RAPPTOR NOODLE TOON MOD WITH CEL SHADE ::\

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE :\     :: Always make a backup before applying a mod ::\     WEAR or ADD the applier\     Click the applier on your HUD and click \ on the menu.\     Wait a few moments for the textures to load.

IF YOU WANT FULL-BRIGHT :\     :: Full-Bright is optional, but it looks good and pairs well with cel-shading ::\     Right click -> Edit on your body.\     Check "Full Bright".\     Repeat for Head, Eyes, Fur, Whiskers.

IF YOUR EYES DO NOT CHANGE TEXTURE :\     Old versions of the noodle did not include the eye applier script. You'll need to manually apply textures for these.\     Use the included eye textures. They're the ones I've chosen that matched well.\     Right click -> Edit on your eyes, then drag the texture onto the texture window.\     You will probably have to rez your eyes for this to work.

IF YOUR EYES LOOK STRETCHED :\     The texture applier seems to want to reset the textures on the eyes to default scaling. This looks to be something for the avatar creator to fix.

    If this happens:\     Rez out your eyes.\     Select your eyeballs.\     Under Texture, set Vertical Scale to 2.3\     Take and wear your eyes.

IF FOR SOME REASON YOUR BODY GOES TRANSPARENT :\     The files are PNGs and SL might think they have alpha when they don't.\     Set your body to Alpha: None and that should fix it.

IF SOMETHING BREAKS AND/OR CATCHES FIRE :\     Contact Blau Rascon for issues specific to this modkit.\     Contact the avatar's creator for all other issues.

Instruction Notecard: Quick Oppossum

Eldritch Cat\ \==============

OBLIGATORY BUT HEARTFELT THANKS :\     Thank you for your purchase! I hope you enjoy it!

REQUIREMENTS :\     This modkit requires the following avatar:\     :: NUTBUSTERZ CHIBI NOODLE ::\     It will not work with other avatars.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE :\     :: Always make a backup before applying a mod ::\     WEAR or ADD the applier\     Click the applier on your HUD and click \ on the menu.\     Wait a few moments for the textures to load.

SPECIAL NOTE: FURLESS TAIL\     ::For if you do not want the tail to have fur.::\     ::Requires basic modding skills.::\     Rez out your fur (drag it to the ground).\     In Edit, go to Select Texture, and select every chunk of fur along the tail. There will be two.\     Set all of these chunks to 100% Transparency.\     Take your fur back & wear it.

SPECIAL NOTE: EAR FUR\     ::For if you want to remove the fur from the ears::\     ::Requires basic modding skills.::\     Rez out your ears.\     In Edit, go to Edit Linked, and select the tufts of fur on the ears.\     Set these to 100% Transparency.\     Take your ears back and wear them.

IF SOMETHING BREAKS AND/OR CATCHES FIRE :\     Contact Blau Rascon for issues specific to this modkit.\     Contact the avatar's creator for all other issues.

Instruction Notecard: Trash Panda

Eldritch Cat\ \==============

OBLIGATORY BUT HEARTFELT THANKS :\     Thank you for your purchase! I hope you enjoy it!

REQUIREMENTS :\     This modkit requires the following avatar:\     :: NUTBUSTERZ CHIBI NOODLE ::\     It will not work with other avatars.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE :\     :: Always make a backup before applying a mod ::\     WEAR or ADD the applier\     Click the applier on your HUD and click \ on the menu.\     Wait a few moments for the textures to load.

IF SOMETHING BREAKS AND/OR CATCHES FIRE :\     Contact Blau Rascon for issues specific to this modkit.\     Contact the avatar's creator for all other issues.

Instruction Notecard: Lacemaker

I got like 75% of the way done with this mod and got distracted with something else, so it never got formally released, but I found it while putting together the Retired Noodles pack and wanted y'all to have it

You'll need to manually apply the eyes because the applier doesn't allow for heterochromia. I recommend fiddling with the repeats (increasing them)